Better Together
We are absolutely convinced that there is no real life apart from Him and connecting to Him brings meaning, purpose, and true joy.
We are committed to making disciples through worshipping God, sharing His gospel, serving His people, and loving all as He first loved us.

Sunday Service
Join us on Sundays at 10:00 AM at our campus in Gilroy or online through You Tube or Facebook by clicking on the live stream link on our website, gilroypres.org Sundays at 10am.
6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 950200
(408) 842-3000

The United Presbyterian Church of Gilroy was first formally established in 1860, only 11 years after the Gold Rush of 1849 and just six months before the start of the Civil War. Thirteen charter members gathered together at the first church building in Old Gilroy on the Ferguson Ranch. As the establishment of the railroad caused the population of New Gilroy to grow rapidly (to 1,700), the congregation chose to build a church in 1869 on the corner of Church and Fifth Streets. In 1914, electric lights were installed and the church continued to be a beacon of light in a dark world.
The Fifth St. church building (which is currently used by the Salvation Army) is the second oldest Presbyterian church building in California and served our congregation well until the early 1980’s. After sacrifice, fundraising, loans and an anonymous gift, we were able to purchase 12 acres of land and begin construction of our current church campus located at 6000 Miller Avenue. In 1989, after many months of holding church at Gavilan Jr. College, we were able to celebrate the dedication of our new church. Over thirty years later, Gilroy Presbyterian Church continues to worship God, build disciples and serve the community of Gilroy.
For over 155 years our church has stood the test of time and been blessed beyond measure. We believe that God has our future securely in His hands and we look forward to the next 155 years! Come and be a part of God's plan with us!

Annual Report & Budget and Newsletter
Annual Report and Budget
Our Annual Report is a way to see how God's resources have been at work last year and our plans and goals for next year!
Fill out our Contact Form to subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter.