
In Gilroy, we partner with St. Joseph's, the Compassion Center and the Ochoa winter housing program.
At St. Joseph's there are many ways GPC is involved: one Thursday each month, a team from GPC serves supper at the Lord's Table (over 400+ meals each year). GPC volunteers also help with the produce distribution to hundreds of needy folks on Mondays and collect hundreds of donations to help the St. Joseph's homeless Thanksgiving feast. Lastly, GPC's congregation continually collect toiletries and cold weather supplies for the less fortunate members of our city.
At the Gilroy Compassion Center, our Deacons cook and serve dinner several times a year for close to 50 homeless individuals. Additionally our congregation provides food to make "manna bags" (bag lunches) and hygiene kits for homeless individuals and families.
Lastly, each winter, GPC volunteers provide programs for 50+ homeless children and families housed at the Ochoa Winter Center's temporary housing.
Contact our Missions Team to see how you can serve with us!

Our local Presbytery is another great way that we support hands-on work in our area and beyond. Recently, through the Presbytery, our congregation was able to donate to Paradise Presbyterian Church and their efforts to support the Camp Fire victims.

Internationally, we are involved with projects in Africa, Central America and Mexico.
In Africa, we support Autumn Buzzell, a missionary who works at City of Refuge Ministries (CORM), in Ghana. CORM provides schooling for children and helps to rescue children from slavery and provide a safe place for them to grow and be cared for.
In Cameroon, alongside our brothers and sisters of the Cameroon Presbytery, we have gone to prisons, orphanages and supported the elderly. Unfortunately as Cameroon continues to descend into war, we remain in prayer for all those affected by violence and urge all those who can donate to make a difference by donating to the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon.
We are also a World Vision church. Many members of our congregation sponsor children and participate in the Walk for Water each spring that raises money to bring clean drinking water to people all over the world. Our Children's Ministry likes to get involved and has used their offerings to buy a pig for a needy family and buy a sewing machine to help a family start their own business.
In Yorito, Honduras, we support local projects in partnership with AHMEN Missions to provide basic health and education and seed funds are awarded to individual entrepreneurs to start their own business. Bathrooms, pilas, roofs and floors have been built to better the community.
Lastly, GPC continues it's long tradition of taking youth to Rancho La Paloma in Tecate, Mexico to serve during Spring Break. Past trips have included VBS, building and supporting local art studios and church programs.
Media Ministry
We believe that technology is too important to ignore in our worship environment. The goal of the Tech Team is to mix audio, use presentation software, adjust stage lighting, record Sunday messages, and search for new technology that enhances the modern worship environment.